How to create a co-parenting plan

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Sunday, July 22, 2018.

If you share child custody with your ex, you likely know that co-parenting can be a real challenge. That’s why it’s essential for parents in Missouri to create a solid co-parenting plan, which provides guidance when making important child-rearing decisions. Psychology Today offers tips on creating a co-parenting plan that works for your whole family.

Cooperation Is a Must

While it’s a given that you and your ex must come together when making decisions about your child, working in a cooperative manner is often easier said than done. This entails a degree of cooperation, which must be forged on mutual respect. If you agree about common goals, you must also respect the parenting style of your former spouse (even if it’s different from yours). Ultimately, the most important thing to remember is that it’s in the best interest of your child to have a loving relationship with both parents.

Include Details on Time-Sharing & Visitation

When custody is held jointly you’ll also want to hash out issues regarding time-sharing and visitation. For instance, you may want to create a set schedule that delineates when your child is intended to spend time with either parent. You should also include language about holidays or other special events, during which plans may need to be amended. Compromise will be necessary in some instances, so try to approach the subject in a gracious manner.

Keep Your Options Open

Additonally, be mindful that your co-parenting plan will probably need to be revisited from time to time. This is particularly relevant when your child gets a bit older and wishes to spend more time alone. You can feel free to amend the agreement as needed to ensure it meets everyone’s expectations. If you simply can’t come to an agreement about necessary changes, you may need to address the topic with a mediator or lawyer.

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