Refusal to pay child support in Missouri

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child & Spousal Support on Friday, November 10, 2017.

When divorce is the only answer, children are commonly the focal point of concern. That concern, however, varies depending on the parents involved; shockingly enough, countless children go without child support in the state of Missouri.

When an ex-spouse refuses to meet the agreed payment plan to support a child, that owed money can accumulate quickly. This lack of payment hurts not only struggling (and often single) parents, but ultimately children who end up going without some necessities. What can Missouri parents do in such trying situations?

The Basics

Most divorced parents have heard of the term “child support,” but many are not familiar with the details of the process. The Missouri Bar Association provides a pamphlet including crucial information on child support orders, first pointing out that the sole purpose of child support is to provide children with proper funds on a regular basis. Child support orders lay out how often and how much a parent must pay for child support. In cases where parents may not feel confident in sending payments directly to an ex-partner, Missouri courts also allow payments to be made to Missouri Family Support Payment Center. This enables state officials to maintain records, instead of placing that responsibility on parents themselves.

The Struggle

U.S. News shares the pain of parents who battle for child support nationwide–some of whom have ex-spouses with standing debts of over $10,000. Needless to say, these parents struggle more than necessary. U.S. News dovetails on this issue by adding that, in 2009 alone, $108 billion in back payments was owed to parents with custody of children. While there is little parents can do to enforce payments from debtors, the news outlet provides a number of strategies to lessen the load of solo child support and continue with happier aspects of life.

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