Looking at some of the benefits of joint custody

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Friday, September 8, 2017.

Parents who are struggling with child custody may face all sorts of problems. If you are going through a custody dispute, you may know how upsetting these issues can be, especially in comparison to some other family law matters that may not have as much of an impact on your children. Whether you are unsure of which factors the court will take into consideration when looking at your case or you simply want to gain a better understanding of different types of custody arrangements, our law firm knows how helpful it can be for families in Springfield and other parts of Missouri to review their circumstances closely. For example, you may want to take a closer look at joint custody and some of the perks associated with this option, depending on the details surrounding your divorce.

Sometimes, joint custody is not an option. However, when parents can move forward with joint custody, they may be able to experience various benefits. For starters, joint custody can result in lower levels of stress while allowing children to have both of their parents remain a part of their lives. Sometimes, custody disputes and other types of custody arrangements can lead to serious tension between parents and this can also affect children. In some cases, these hardships can be minimized or even eliminated through joint custody.

As a parent, it is crucial to explore your options on an individualized basis. On our child custody page, you can go over more material related to joint custody.

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