Getting less time with your child? Make it quality time

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Friday, April 10, 2020.

As a parent, you want to spend a lot of time with your child. The real question is, though, what is fair? How much time is enough actual time spent together, and how much time is really spent doing other things?

Sometimes, it may seem like you have less time with your child, but that might actually mean you have more quality time to spend together. If you’re facing a situation where you may have less time with your child than the other parent, by all means, fight that and seek fair time. However, if you do get less time, you may be able to arrange the schedule to give you all of your free time with your child, instead of having custody when they’re at school or you have to work.

Parenting time isn’t always an easy topic to discuss, but if you’re in a situation where you may get less, it’s important to choose your time carefully. Try to choose times when you will be at home or available to your child. Aim for days when they are totally free, like on a weekend or weekday when they don’t have school-related activities. Even if your time is technically less than the other parent’s, you may find that you’re getting much of the quality time that you want.

You may also want to ask for additional time in the form of virtual visitation, phone calls or other manners that are not in person. Though you may not always have physical custody, you can still find ways to stay connected while you’re apart.

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