Can you ask for more time with your child if your job changes?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Friday, May 8, 2020.

When you don’t have regular custody of your child, it can be hard. You may have visitation times now that are limited, and it could make it feel impossible to build on your relationship with your child.

At the time of your divorce, you were working a busy job, and you didn’t have as much time for your child as you do now. Today, you’ve been lucky enough to get a promotion that gives you regular hours, so you’d like to have the opportunity to see your child more often. Your goal isn’t to try to take away custody from your ex-spouse, but you would like to try to get weekends with your child.

Protecting the parent-child relationship is important. If you feel that you aren’t getting enough time with your child and have had significant changes in your schedule, it may be time to talk to your ex-spouse about seeking more time with your child. Many parents will be happy to give extra custody time, especially if that time was limited in the past. In the case that your ex-spouse is willing to negotiate, you may be able to avoid court and can work together to come up with a schedule to have approved by a judge.

However, if your ex-spouse doesn’t want to change the custody schedule, you may have to go to court. If you do end up needing to go to court, it’s a good idea to gather documentation about your work and why you now have more time to spend with your child. Show how you’ve been involved and what you’d like to do to be more involved.

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