How do courts determine a child’s best interest?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Friday, August 30, 2019.

As a parent in Missouri, you and your ex-spouse must decide on a child custody arrangement. At Stange Law Firm, P.C., we understand that the impact of the arrangement on your child’s well-being is a crucial deciding factor.

Of course, the well-being of your child is also the primary concern of the court. This means that they will make decisions that may not align with what you or your ex-spouse believe is the “best” option if they feel it will conflict with the child’s best interests.

When determining the best interests, they will consider things like:

  • The emotional stability offered to the child
  • The financial stability of the supporting parent
  • The safety of the area the primary custodian is living in
  • The option of future opportunities like schools and jobs in said area

If the child is old enough, their opinion may also be taken into consideration. If they have a stronger bond with one parent over the other, or a more fraught history with one parent, the judge may consider this when making their final decision.

However, studies have shown that ultimately, shared custody is better for a child than sole custody. For this reason, many judges may wish for you to share custody unless circumstances make that a poor option.

Are you struggling to work out your custody options? Are you concerned about being able to spend quality time with your child? If so, you can visit our web page on custody matters, linked above. Consider contacting an attorney for more information, as well.

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