Understanding how the length of your marriage affects divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Friday, September 21, 2018.

While divorce can be a complicated process for many people, it can be exponentially more difficult and time consuming if you and your spouse have been married for a long time. Often, the longer your marriage lasts, the more there is to untangle in terms of finances, shared assets and belongings that may hold sentimental value to both of you. At Stange Law Firm, PC, we have helped many divorcing couples in Missouri to work through the legal process of divorce as quickly as possible.

If you and your spouse have been married for a significant length of time, you will undoubtedly face a much different and more extensive list of issues to work through than a couple that has only been married for five years or less. According to U.S. News, if your marriage has been long, some of the factors that will require time, resources and negotiation to work through include the following:

  • Alimony
  • Child custody
  • Dating
  • Retirement accounts
  • Shared assets
  • Shared real estate

Contrary to a common-held belief, just because you and your spouse have been married for a long time does not mean that your divorce will be more amicable than others. Even when you find yourself despising your ex, it is imperative that you avoid the urge to be bitter and angry. Rather, do your best to be cordial and respectful during deliberations so you can maintain your reputation and put yourself in a good position to receive a beneficial outcome. Choosing to be angry or fight about every small thing can certainly create more tension and lengthen the process of your divorce.

When you are aware of how the length of your marriage may affect your divorce, you can be better prepared to go forward with a commitment to overcoming some of the unique challenges you face without being completely blindsided. For more information about family matters, visit our web page.

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