Judge in Trump Jr.’s divorce case praises couple’s collaboration

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Friday, August 3, 2018.

Given the emotions that can go into divorce proceedings in Springfield, it may be easy for many to see how and why they can become so contentious. Particular matters (such as child custody) can become particularly nasty due to what is at stake. Yet even with the potential for discord that exist amongst a divorcing couple, the parties involved may be advised to put aside their differences and come to an amicable agreement for the best interests of the children at the center of such disputes.

The judge presiding over the divorce case of Donald Trump Jr. and his estranged wife praised the couple in recent proceedings for being able to accomplish such a task. The couple filed for divorce earlier this year after almost 13 years of marriage. News recently surfaced that they were able to come up with their own agreement regarding the custody of their five children. Their join efforts allowed the couple to complete their initial custody hearing to be completed in just 10 minutes. The pair also appeared to be amiable towards each other during proceedings. The judge commended them for their behavior and even offered assistance in helping them to resolve any future matters. Such cooperation is also expected as the two sort through their financial affairs.

While cooperation like what has been evidenced in this particular case may the ultimate goal in most custody proceedings, it may not come easy. Both sides have to feel confident that their bests interests are being represented in any compromises being made. One might have a better chance and experiencing such confidence if he or she has a capable family law attorney to turn to for advice and assistance.

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