Can fault affect spousal support?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child & Spousal Support on Friday, June 30, 2017.

For couples going through divorce, an array of legal challenges can create complications. In Springfield, and around Missouri, some couples struggle with spousal support, also known as alimony. For example, they may disagree on how much should be paid or one party may worry that they will be unable to make payments on time. For couples in this position, speaking to a legal professional may help. Moreover, it could be useful to go over the ins and outs of spousal support, such as understanding how courts determine how much should be paid.

According to the Utah Legislature, there are an array of issues that are reviewed by courts when making decisions related to spousal support. While many people are aware of factors such as each party’s income and financial standing, some do not realize that fault can play a role in how alimony is awarded. In fact, if one party was at fault in a way which played a substantial role in the couple’s decision to split up, the court will review what happened. Examples of fault include a person threatening the life of his or her spouse or child, physically hurting a spouse or child, and committing adultery.

If you are struggling with spousal support, or with another family law issue, it may be helpful to attempt to go over these topics with your spouse (or former spouse). Please also keep in mind that this blog post is not to be seen as a substitute for legal recommendations or advice.

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